Aart The Aardvark.com, RE Brothel cairns,Val Schier Mayor of Cairns Regional Council

First Legal Brothel in Cairns Queensland Australia
Aart Brons   C E O  of Northern Belle first legal brothel in Cairns Queensland qld  Australia au.Work hand in hand with the Prostitution
Licensing Authority www.pla.qld.gov.au To ensure respect and credibility within its own Parlour Bordello    Northern Belle www.northernbelle.com.au

Aart Brons


Val Schier Mayor of Cairns Regional Council.

We met and spoke about my rift and dismay with Cairns City Council lead by the then Mayor Kevin Byrne in my office here at Northern Belle 11 cava close bungalow on or about the 22-02-08 you being the candidate for Mayor at the time (read attachments)

In a E-Mail sent to me shortly after that meeting you stated: issues like (read e-mail)

(1) Villa Romana
(2) False Cape
(3) Smithfield Town Centre
(4) The list goes on and on
And in particular (5) The K.B. hands that have stuffed you around !!

I am very disappointed in the total back flip (a so called full 180) on all issues, but am particularly devastated by the stance you have now shown in your latest correspondence to me as on the 16 July 2009.

You now being the newly elected Mayor of the Cairns Regional Council, knowingly inherited “Aart the Aardvark” (as per attachments)

The open transparent council as promised has in my opinion not been forthcoming. I have therefore forwarded all correspondence I had with you as per attachments 1 & 2 to the following interested parties as this has become in my opinion a “STATE ISSUE” And as suggested by Desley Boyle an option. (again read attachments)

Attachments have been sent to:

(1) Minister for local government the Hon Desley Boyle
(2) Minister for police the Hon Neil Roberts
(3) Integrity Dept of the Crime and Misconduct Commission

By the way, as suggested by Gary Crooke, former integrity commissioner to the C.M.C “that it should be encouraged” for the members of the public to speak out, and bring to light any wrong doing by our government representatives (as on the ABC Stateline program broadcast 17-07-09),and to make it clear that certain conduct is not acceptable, and that “that” is what our democratic system is all about.

On that basis I await my plight.

I still need answers to these critical democratic queestions put to

(1) Acting C.E.O "Peter Tapulo"
(2) Ex C.E.O. Noel briggs

Aart Brons
Northern Belle
Brothel owner and licensee.

Aart Brons C.E.O Northern Belle PTY, LTD.
First legal brothel in Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
“Brons ver Cairns City Council”
In Summary  15/12/2016
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Aart The Aardvark.com Aart The Aardvark.com Prostitution Licensing Authority www.pla.qld.gov.au First legal brothel in cairns Queensland Parlour Bordello Northern Belle www.northernbelle.com.au First Legal Brothel in Cairns Queensland Australia Aart Brons C E O of Northern Belle first legal brothel in Cairns Queensland qld Australia au.Work hand in hand with the Prostitution Licensing Authority www.pla.qld.gov.au To ensure respect and credibility within its own Parlour Bordello Northern Belle www.northernbelle.com.au Signed Aart Brons www.Aarttheaardvark.com info@aarttheaardvark.com ... Let Sleeping Aardvarks Lie Aart brons Cairns Queensland qld Cairns City Cairns Northern belle First legal brothel in cairns Queensland QLD Australia AU Prostitution PLA Parlour Bordello Brothels PORNOGRAPHY DISCLAIMER Latest letter to Val SchierMayor of Cairns Regional Council 23/07/2009 PDF Updated as from 28th Feb 08 How We Got Here REASONS FOR AMENDMENTS QUEENSLAND PROSTITUTION ACT 1999 AMENDMENT S63A - S64 2001 Developer "Aart the Aardvark’s" opinion: The Aardvark hastens to say that he will be seeking further legal advice as to whether the Cairns City Council acted Fraudulently Perjuriously Deceitfully READ THE FULL TRANSCRIPTS ON REASONS FOR AMENDMENTS TO PROSTITUTION ACT 2001 Read the full original transcript on how Cairns local Government hijacked State Government law and knowingly and illegally delayed the Cava Close Bungalow application for a material change of use for a brothel at 11 Cava Close Bungalow Cairns Queensland Australia. Editorial Cairns Post Newspaper 12-08-06 Letter to the editor Cairns Post Newspaper 11-08-06 Letter to the editor Cairns Post Newspaper 18-08-06 Letter to the editor Cairns Post Newspaper 19-08-06 Letter to the editor Cairns Post Newspaper 23-08-06 Read all about The Cairns City Council DUST FILE Lier & Fraudster On the way Out Jason O'Brien X Division 5 councillor Now the Member for Cook Lier & Fraudster Tim Coyle's submision Aart Brons brothel Licensee accuses 1 Gary Schofield (Council Spokesperson) and his council for hiding behind a lie. 2 Spin Doctor Tim Coyle of lying and fraud. He should be ashamed to speak out in his articles as he never paid the $30 registration fee to the court, to become a co-respondent to council, as he knew his submission could never become an affidavit - a written statement made under oath. click here for Dr Coyle as having not one point of law in his submission but a whole lot of untruths & myths Not one article in the Cairns Post has been written in defence since that date till now 30 08 07, therefore the above must stand The Aardvark’s opinion still stands today. Cairns City Council Hiding behind Lies Liar and Fraud Spin Doctor Tim Coyle Note: Submissions were to Council and should never have seen the light of day in local Judge White’s Court room as they were unregistered as co-respondents and therefore not submissible in court. (1) S63A Code / Impact His honorable Judge White’s Reading (Grant v Cairns City Council) 12 12 2003…it is common ground before me that I should proceed as if the Prostitution Amendment Act 2001 had not been enacted. Skoien’s reading (Aart Brons v Cairns City Council) 10 09 2004 Judge White had to use the law as if the amendment of the prostitution act 2001 had not been enacted. Fact Fact Cairns City Council Planning Department Report to Cairns City Council Planning & Environment Meeting 22 07 2004 states that Judge White had taken S63A as amended into consideration. (this would have been illegal) so fraudulent reporting Fraudulent Referral Agency Prostitution Licensing Authority www.pla.qld.gov.au Withholding of Information PLA letter withheld A letter of comment from the Prostitution Licensing Authority was submitted to Cairns City Council but was deliberately withheld by the Cairns City Council Planning Department from their report to Cairns City Council Planning & Environment meeting 22 07 2004. As to why The Planning Department withheld this important information from their report remains a critical question. (2) S64 Caretakers residence Fact hon Skoien Reading (Aart Brons v Cairns City Council) 10 09 2004 …there is no residence…within 300 meters of the site as the crow flies. Fraudulent Cairns City Council Planning Department report to Cairns City Council Planning & Environment meeting 14 04 2005 & 12 05 2005 Manager’s Residence to replace a Residence not Detached Dwelling at 150 - 172 Mc Coombe Street. Read Building permits 1630 & 1831 in the transcripts click here. When impact remains on an decision notice to a Planning and Environment meeting report, that has been ruled on by a court of law in the past as being code, is fraud not clerical error. When Detached Dwelling with capital letters remain on the same notice as above instead of a Residence to Replace a Residence as to Cairns City Councils own building permits 1630 & 1831 regarding the caretaker’s residence on lot 2 on RP 30391 situated at 150 - 172 Mc Coombe Street, Bungalow. It is fraud and there can also be no clerical error in that. The Aardvark’s opinion: Intentional deceit on two occasions in one critical and crucial document? (The Cairns City Council should be ashamed of themselves). When fraudulent documentation is put to an independent assessor, put in place by the Queensland’s State Government, it goes from FRAUD to PERJURY. In any case: S64 should have come into play at the beginning of any brothel application not after it has been to court. www.pla.qld.gov.au Brothel application [PDF] INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR Prostitution Act 1999 BETWEEN: AART BRONS ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Conclusion The above are deceitful, fraudulent and perjuring lies and have led to a total miscarriage of justice as this information was relied upon in the Cairns City Council special Planning & Environment meeting held on 14 04 2005 and again on 12 05 2005. As for Cairns City Council to have voted on and to have gained a legal brief of Mc Donald’s Law firm with this misleading information in it, and then to have presented their plea to the court room of His Honorable Judge Skoien is in the Aardvark’s book wilfully perverting the cause of justice. Having twisted the factual truth to all Cava Close, Bungalow development applications is reprehensible and not conciliable. Click Here for full transcript Happy Reading “The Aardvark.” Editorial Cairns Post Newspaper Editorial Cairns Post Newspaper We now call on your support to make it a success. So when in Cairns tropical north Queensland Australia please give us a visit, male and,or female, or check us out on www.northernbelle.com.au See you there, thanks Madam Winnie and her husband CEO Aart Last word: In the Aardvark’s opinion: One very important question remains. Why did Cairns City Council test the law far beyond one’s imagination to come out with a loss and a cost to ratepayers of an estimated $500,000, when they should have been seen to help implement Queensland state law for the right reason and not to hold up and hijack it for the wrong reason. These Questions really call for a Criminal Misconduct Commission inquiry. February 2001 The X Mayor of Cairns City Council Kevin Byrne On the way Out Jason O'Brien X Division 5 councillor Now the Member for Cook Editorial Cairns Post Newspaper On the nose 7 Owen close Portsmith development applications are in the Aardvark’s opinion ; Rotten to the core FROM THE BEGINNING IN 2001 (BREECH OF S64) The assessment manager must refuse the application if: (1) 200 meters within where children gather, and such a place exists at the Cairns Transport Dept on the corner of Kenny street ,and Owen close (learner drivers license permits, school practical bicycle classes) (2) 200 meters within where there is a church, and such place exists the Living Waters Assembly of God Christian churches, and also 100 meters within as the crow flies. at the end of Plath Close and end of Hartiley St. Desley Boyle Minister for tourism, Regional business, and industry on public record in the Cairns Post newspaper stated: 600 plus visits from the public per day to the Cairns Transport Dept on the corner of Kenny street, and Owen close. In the Aardvark’s opinion: under (S 64) TRANSPORT DEPT, CHURCH,AND BROTHEL "FORBIDDEN APPLE" CAN NOT CO-EXIST. Question remains: HOW CAN THIS HAVE ACCURED BETWEEN 2000 AND 2007!!!!!????? September 2003 Editorial Cairns Post Newspaper September 2007 Northern Belle , 11 Cava cl Bungalow Cairns Queensland Brothel wants CMC review Handling of application pointless; owner Editorial Cairns Post Newspaper letter to the editor 15-09-07 The Cairns City Council's planner's professional Judgement is up shit creek,and can't be more professional then JUDGE CARTER'S COMMENT in his letter that was withheld from the environment and planning meetings. The Aardvark Withholding of Information PLA letter withheld A letter of comment from the Prostitution Licensing Authority was submitted to Cairns City Council but was deliberately withheld by the Cairns City Council Planning Department from their report to Cairns City Council Planning & Environment meeting 22 07 2004. As to why The Planning Department withheld this important information from their report remains a critical question. Our legal brief to take the matter to the court room of Justice Skoien was based on the strength of advice to council from the Prostitution Licensing Authority in the so called “withheld letter”. (Prostitution Licensing Authority also the third party reference to any brothel Application put in place by the state government of Queensland as amended by law). So for “it”, the PLA letter, to have been withheld from councils planning report, but still have landed up in Judge Skoien’s court room, could not have happened if it was not dealt with behind CLOSED DOORS. To have been given the Cairns City Council’s explanation of how the “withheld letter” got withheld in the Cairns Post Newspaper article dated… 7-09-07 “is just not good enough” And is also the absolute reason for The Aardvark Taking the matter back to and through the legal system So let it be written so “that it is so” If any wrong doing is found as willfully perverting the cause of justice or dealing behind closed doors the total council should be sacked as per ‘Desley Boyle’ Desley Boyle Minister Attention Desley Boyle Three previous approaches to intervene by ‘The Aardvark’ to Desley Boyle 1. 2. 3. 2000 2003-04 2005 personal visit to office in Spence Street by my town planner ‘Planning Far North’ in reply to her request for the public to come forward (In dealings behind closed doors) By phone conversation to her office 4. And as from now the 17-01-08 I once again call upon the minister to intervene before anymore embarrassment is put to the Cairns City Council and more importantly anymore ratepayers money is being wasted. There should be a “Brothel Gate” type inquiry. Kind regards Aart “The Aardvark” Desley Boyle Minister In the Aardvark’s opinion: All councillors should be dismissed as they have, in their own words, in article Brothel Want’s CMC Enquiry’ “moved on”. 7-09-07 How can council “move on” if the “withheld letter” has never been explained to them as to why it was withheld from their planning report but did appear in Judge Skoiens’ court room where McDonald’s legal team, for Council, was unsuccessful in trying to have it scrubbed off the record. as Council has “moved on” there is now absolute “as a matter of fact” (according to (1) and (2)) proof of Cairns City Council dealings behind closed doors. I hold mainly responsible The Chair, its CEO and its Division Councillors for not finding out why such important information to the application was withheld from their official Planning and Environment meeting report before “moving on”. Remember Council lost at a cost of according to Gary Schofield in article (Cost Much Less to keep city informed) $51,335. "The Aardvark" can not sleep and will not "move on" until this vital "withheld letter" is explained by council as to why it was not included in their official Planning and Environment meeting report to vote on. (Any person who put their names to the brothel applications at Cava Close, Bunglalow, Cairns, should have a good hard look at themselves, and the facts, as we will be asking the CMC to investigate. If wrongdoing by the Cairns City Council has been proven They should be dismissed. Aart the Aardvark You Can Run But You Can't Hide On the way Out Jason O'Brien X Division 5 councillor Now the Member for Cook The X Mayor of Cairns City Council Kevin Byrne The X CEO of Cairns City Council David Farmer X CEO Noel Briggs X Division 5 councillor Kathy Plath Click on to individuals' Names for more info Female CEO appointed to head Cairns Regional Council Mayor of Cairns Regional Council Val Schier Current Division 5 councillor Alan Blake Lyn Russell The New CEO of Cairns City Council Desley Boyle Minister for Local Government A CAIRNS brothel is suing the city council for hundreds of thousands of dollars in alleged lost revenue and legal fees. Northern Belle owner Aart Brons says the Cairns City Council’s mishandling of his brothel’s development application was "fraudulent, deceitful and costly". "I’ve been rolled over and screwed by council," Mr Brons said. He has previously called for the Crime and Misconduct Commission to investigate the council’s assessment of his application, which he claims delayed the opening of the brothel by more than five years. Mr Brons said he would meet lawyers from Bottoms English today to launch legal action in a bid to recoup $200,000 in legal fees and up to $200,000 annually over five years in lost revenue. Northern Belle celebrated its first anniversary this week after it opened for business on January 12 last year as the city’s first legal brothel. Mr Brons said his legal case against council was "solid as a rock". "I’m taking them to court because I want to know why certain documents related to my development were withheld from councillors and not included in the planning report," Mr Brons said. "It would’ve made it much easier for councillors to vote on the application if this certain document was included. "There is a broader issue at stake here about how developments are handled by the council. "If they left this important document out of my application when councillors were assessing it, how many other projects have been stopped because of similar handling of applications by council?" A council spokeswoman said similar concerns had previously been raised by Mr Brons and presented to council, with its officers making a "professional judgment" on a case-by-case basis to decide which documents were included and presented to councillors. "It is Mr Brons’ right to take legal action if he chooses to do so, and the council will respond accordingly," the spokeswoman said. Mr Brons said business at Northern Belle had been flat in recent months. "We haven’t made a profit in the first year, which is normal for any business, but our staffing levels are holding up," he said. Details of Mr Brons case are on his website at www.aarttheaardvark.com Rolled: Aart Brons says the council delayed the opening of his brothel for more than five years. The Cairns Post Pty. Ltd. Brothel owner 'screwed' by council sues for lost earnings View the pdf for a more read able doc Our Brothel is the Filthiest Bronwyn Cummings Saturday, February 9, 2008 THE dust is showing no sign of settling in the battle between the Northern Belle brothel and a neigbouring council rubble recycling site. Aart Brons said the council operated works depot behind his Cava Close, Portsmith, business was causing a huge amount of dust swirling on to his back patio that was used as a staff recreation area. And until the problem was fixed, Mr Brons said he would not pay his rates and had sent the council a $33,000 cleaning bill. "It cannot co-exist," Mr Brons told The Cairns Post. "I will only pay my rates if I am given the service I deserve." A Cairns City Council spokeswoman said the soil and rubble recycling operation was allowable in the area zoned for industrial use. A 10m high dirt barrier between the Northern Belle and the works project had been built and was yet to be landscaped. Mr Brons feared people would climb the barrier and look down into the brothel, which was closed in by 2-3m tall fencing. He also said the grass that was up to 4m high brushing against his fence was not acceptable because it caused a problem with vermin and snakes. "I feel this is sour grapes because we wouldn't go to the quarry so they brought it to us," Mr Brons said. The spokeswoman said the council was already considering moving the recycling operation to a Redden St site, away from the brothel and its neighbouring businesses. "They have been operating a small recycling program which involves putting material such as soil, rubble and concrete there and recycling it so it can be re-used elsewhere," she said. "This is to save costs as well as to prevent it from going into landfill." An Evironmental Protection Agency spokesman said the dust complaint was being investigated. Last month, Mr Brons met with a lawyer to discuss suing the council for mishandling of his brothel's development application. He wanted to recoup the $200,000 of lost profit for each year during the five years the business took to be approved. The brothel recently celebrated its first year of operation, and Mr Brons said patronage was starting to pick up. The Cairns City Council DUST FILE Read all about Northern Belle Facilities Important PDF To read Updated as from 28th Feb 08 Letter from Planning dept Kind Regards Aart Brons Brothel Licensee www.northernbelle.com.au ... Let Sleeping Aardvarks Lie Web site will be updated in the future pending further legal advice. For law students who sat semester 1 in 2006 at ST Lucia campus The University Of Queensland. PDF] COURSE PROFILE LAWS5182/7182 ? SPECIAL LEGAL TOPIC ENVIRONMENTAL ... File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Grant v Cairns City Council [2003] QEPC 076. ? Brons v Cairns City Council [2004] Re: Mrs Ribtickler proposes to establish a brothel. Aart Brons Brothel Consultant www.AartBronsBrothelConsultancy.com.au I Google Myself Regularly “AART THE AARDVARK” DEVELOPER & SPOKESPERSON FOR W Brons Developer “Aart the Aardvark” preposes to establish a brothel for W. Brons First application to Cairns City Council lot 8 - 12 Cava Close Bungalow Grand ver Cairns City Council (forW. Brons) Second application to Cairns City Council lot 7 - 11 Cava Close Bungalow Brons ver Cairns City Council (forW. Brons) Both lot '8' and lot '7' applications for the same preponant namely W Brons For critical answers refer to official documents below 1. Brothel application www.pla.qld.gov.au 2. (judge white) Grand ver Cairns City Council 3. A letter of comment from the Prostitution Licensing Authority 4. Cairns City Council Planning & Environment meeting 22 07 2004 5. (judge skoien) Brons ver Cairns City Council 6. [PDF] INDEPENDENT ASSESSOR Prostitution Act 1999 BETWEEN: AART BRONS ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML Feel free to download the full transcript aartbrons.com/full.transcript.html Be my Quest www.aarttheaardvark.com Latest letter to Val SchierMMayor of Cairns Regional Council 23/07/2009 PDF Updated as from 28th Feb 08

You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Aart The Aardvark.com
Prostitution Licensing Authority
First legal brothel in cairns
Parlour Bordello   
Northern Belle

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Northern belle
First legal brothel in cairns
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